About us

CEDI Nigeria About us

Community Excellence and Development Initiative (CEDI) is a non-governmental organisation borne out of the need to bridge the socio-economic and educational gaps that exist due to inadequate provision of amenities to the vulnerable and marginalized groups in our society. These inadequate amenities have contributed immensely to making majority of Nigerians live below the globally accepted poverty line. For this reason, CEDI is dedicated to promoting sustainable development in our communities to help them move above the poverty line. To this end, CEDI works to break the cycle of poverty and inherent hunger by engaging in sustainable projects in health, education, agriculture, clean energy and the environment in Nigerian communities. CEDI partners with private sector, government as well as local community stakeholders to deliver community-based intervention to hard-to-reach-vulnerable populations.


To have an inclusive approach of saving lives, improving livelihood, and combating climate change.


To inclusively empower both rural and urban poor in communities through lifting them above the poverty line and sustainably affecting their lives.


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CEDI will achieve this by:

  • Impacting rural and urban poor in communities educationally so they can develop skills to live a meaningful life.
  • Strengthening rural and urban poor in communities economically so they can earn a good living of their own
  • Empowering rural and urban poor in communities socially so they can live healthy and productive lives
  • Conducting sensitization programmes in these communities as relates to the three pillars of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) namely economic, environmental and social with special focus on WASH.


  • To promote WASH in schools and Communities through sensitizations on the need for good and clean water, sanitation and hygiene as well as practically demonstrating WASH.
  • To promote educational initiative that encompasses entrepreneurship, leadership and vocational skills acquisition as well as child trafficking prevention and education programs.
  • To promote economic initiatives such as award of scholarships, establishing thrift cooperatives, entrepreneurship and business incubators.
  • To promote health initiatives that include sensitization/education on child health, maternal and reproductive health, Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Cancer and one health in Nigerian communities, as well as provide access to clean energy.
  • To promote and support individual farmers by providing them with microloan, train them in sustainable techniques to improve farm profitability as well as increase market access and improve storage facilities.
  • To promote awareness programmes that relates to the three pillars of SDGs including reducing deforestation and waste management.


  • Promoting Safe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Schools and Communities: Cleanliness is next to Godliness – we construct toilets in villages across the length and breadth of this country. We also separate toilets for boys and girls in schools and sensitize them on importance of safe water, sanitation and hygiene. This includes sensitization on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) in schools and communities.
  • Skill development initiatives have been introduced to assist youth and women in charting a new course for their future lives. Successful trainees will be linked to a micro financial institution to get loans to begin their own business.
  • Entrepreneurship project: The project will develop a centre with a capacity to assist at least 100 women and youth on development of various skills. This can technical assistance to aid entrepreneurs start up or expand their businesses so as to improve their livelihoods and generate jobs. Projects will be targeted at Low income families and Micro and Small Scale Enterprises.

Our Philosophy

We strive to spread this compassionate work all around Nigeria and the globe in order

to create a world free from poverty.

Our Core Values

Our core values articulate what we care about most. The values guide how we work with our clients, our partners and each other. They help us become a better organization, serving the poorest people in the globe.

  • Passion for mission – Work to foster sustainable development and promote human dignity
  • Impact with Excellence – We strive for efficiency, effectiveness and meaningful impact in our work
  • Integrity – We do what is right. We have high moral standards with honesty and transparency.
  • Inclusion – We promote equality, value our differences and support programmes that engage people across society.
  • Empowerment – We strengthen the voices of the marginalized and vulnerable. We ensure that all their voices are heard thus striving towards economic, environmental and social progress.
  • Respect – We are for our people, our partners and our planet.
  • Innovation – We learn and adapt to find better ways of doing things