Dr. Igwe Peace Chinyere

CEDI Nigeria Dr. Igwe Peace Chinyere

Dr. Igwe Peace Chinyere
Senior Advisor, Health (MBBS, WACS, NPMCN)
She is a highly reputed and widely consulted medical doctor with specialty in obstetrics and gynecology. She has served in both private and public health institutions where she has successfully managed series of high risk pregnancies among other classical health conditions. She has written many articles in her field of specialization and serves as a senior registrar in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology of Federal Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki, South east Nigeria. She has organised and partnered with many faith based organisations and non-governmental organisations in carrying out medical outreach both locally and nationally. She is an astute administrator, counsellor, life coach and public speaker. She is a member of many professional bodies and organisations which includes but not limited to; Society of obstetrics and gynaecology of Nigeria (SOGON), Nigerian Medical Association (NMA),Medical women association on Nigeria (MWAN), Association of resident doctors (ARD).