Campaign for Safe Toilet in Nigeria

CEDI Nigeria Campaign for Safe Toilet in Nigeria

CEDI is committed to empowering lives and building sustainable communities. We are committed to implementing sustainable development projects in Health, Education, Clean Energy and the Environment in vulnerable Nigerian communities. We are currently promoting safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in schools and communities. As part of our WASH advocacy, we joined the United Nations (UN) and other WASH stakeholders in commemorating the World Toilet Day on November 19, 2018 by holding a rally using placards and disseminating IEC materials in 3 different locations (Area 1 Shopping Centre, El-Rufai Motor Park and Kuchingoro Community in Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC), Abuja). We reached over 1000 persons with our messages on the importance of proper sanitation facilities and the need to stop open defecation. World Toilet Day is a UN global initiative which seeks to recognize the importance of sanitation and address the global sanitation crisis. We plan to continue our awareness-raising until we have safe toilet facilities in Nigeria.